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My cockatiel is losing weight!

21 16:32:01

Hi, my cockatiel has recently been to the vet because of a minor cold. She pointed out to me that he is very underweight. I honestly did not know. He has been on a pellet diet for at least 7 months now. But in the past couple of months he seems to be eating much less and he's so very thin. I cannot get him to gain weight. He also gets shaky at times. Is that something to worry about as well?

Dear Dani,
I have never had a sick Cockatiel but I know what to do! Here are the steps...
1. Make sure the house stays at 75 degrees F.
2. Your Cockatiel can eat much more foods than pellets and seeds. They can eat... fried eggs, cheese, lettuce, broccoli, crackers, etc. BUT NO SALT OR CHOCOLATE!!!
3. All these foods will make your Cockatiel gang weight.
4. Make sure your Cockatiel has a CLEAN cage at all times.
5 Feed your Cockatiel MORE than just seed and pellets. If your Cockatiel is just eating pellets, then you are not taking care of your Cockatiel correctly!!! NOTE: FEED YOUR COCKATIEL SEEDS, SEEDS ARE HIGH IN PROTEIN!
Good Luck!