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Safe Wood - Citrus?

21 16:23:56

Dear Reverend Abbot,

I have two parrots, a Pacific Parrotlet and a Blue-headed Pionus. I am interested in building toys, play gyms and perches for them myself so that they could have more variety. I am wary of most trees since I have no idea what sorts of pesticides have been used for them, but I have two
in my backyard that are naturally grown. One of them is a dwarf lemon tree and the other is tangerine. I always hear conflicting information about citrus, where lemon is supposed to be bad, but orange and navel are fine. I won't risk the lemon, but do you think tangerine is okay? Also, I
haven't found any info at all about cyprus.

Thank you very much,


I don't know of any citrus wood that's bad as long as it's not chemically treated (and as long no one mistakes avocado for citrus).

 Cypress is fine.

Some of the net info available is a bit alarmist - often taking a bit of reality and adding a lot of other stuff. One most famous example is how "Swiffer" products are supposedly deadly to cats and dogs (completely untrue).

It's very wise of you to look for confirmation.

Here's a site that will help with more ideas you can rely on

And of course feel free to me and my site - take a look at our birds too