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Parrot eggs

21 16:18:38

Good day, I've lately seen many ads on the net for hyacinth macaw and eggs for sale. Which they will send you in an incubator. I know this is exremely riscky, but is there people who is doing it for real, or is all scams? I've considered trying it out, but I dont have any reference for ligit sellers? Can you possible shed some light on this for me?

I'm very glad you asked this question. Incubating any bird eggs is something that takes learning, despite what the ads say.  Incubators are pretty costly pieces of machinery and vary when it comes to quality (and thus successful outcomes).
  Once a chick hatches, you've got to be the parent. Feeding a baby bird is another time consuming and tricky procedure.  A bird can't be left alone and feeding can't be ignored or skipped.  
 Hyacinth macaws are extremely expensive, even just eggs, so I'd be very cautious about believing anyone claiming to sell fertilized eggs.

 Here is a wonderful link to some people you CAN trust to give you the real info - and their site alone provides a great deal of insight