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Lovebird losing feathers?

21 16:31:42

Hi!  I have a pair of love birds - we've had them 2 years now.  One of them seems to be losing feathers just above the beak.  Looks like a receding hairline or something!  On the one, you can just see beak - no nostrils; on the other the feathered area is receding - you can see the nostrils and above.  Is this common or might there be a problem?  The bird doesn't appear to be in ill health and hasn't changed its habits, re: eating, playing, sleeping.  Thanks for your response!

Allison Duke

You need to get this bird to an avian vet asap. If you cannot see the nostrils, this might be because they are clogged- or if it could be scaley mites- either way- this bird needs to be seen by a vet to remedy this situation. I am not sure if it is mites or something else- so DO NOT buy an over the counter "remedy" for mites at your local pet store. These sprays are ineffective and can cause respiratory problems for birds. Mites need to be treated by an avian vet only.

As far as the feather loss- this also often indicates disease or nutritional problems- especially since it is in an area that is unnatural for another bird to pluck and impossibly for him to pluck himself.

You can find an avian vet near you by searching these websites:


Good Luck- and I hope it isn't anything too serious.
