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Avoid Breeding of Macaws

21 16:16:26

I do not want my blue and gold macaws to breed. They are my wonderful pets. But I have my female always wondering over to the male's cage. He just sits there and sometimes will bite at her but only to tell her that that is his cage. They are really not cuddling or sitting right next to each other. I want to know what to look for so I can stop it before it happens. They are both about 7 years old. I don't much about breeding as it never interested me. Does it have to be a certain temp before they will breed?

Can they still breed with no nest box?

Thanks for your help.

The ONLY way to surely keep them from breeding is to keep them from bonding.  Even with our all girl in-house residents, we keep them from touching each other so they don't bond.  This also keeps them more friendly toward humans and less behavior problems.

 Please take a look at our site for more advice about preventing egg-laying (which may occur with the female even if not bred and that makes it a health threat). (click the bird tab)

By the way, good job in wanting to avoid breeding! Excellent!