Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > Sick Sun Conure?

Sick Sun Conure?

21 16:32:02

I bought two Sun Conures a year ago from a pet store.  They were both doing fine until yesterday when one of them was sneezing a lot.  She was still very active and was eating and drinking normally.  This morning and this afternoon she seemed like her self, wasn't sneezing and was very active.  Then this evening around 6:00 PM out of nowhere her feathers were fluffed and she acted very sleepy.  She would fly around some and chirp and ate part of a walnut. Granted they go to sleep between 6:00 PM and 7:30 PM, so maybe she was tried from playing all day or could she be ill?  I'm very concerned since I love my birds very much!

Hi, Ginny.  Thanks for posting!

Birds don't get colds, if this is what you were referring to about sneezing.  Birds sneeze in order to clear their nostrils of foreign objects, such as seed hulls or something small in the air.  Is there any fluid coming from the nostrils or mouth?  

You really haven't given me any reason to believe your bird is ill.  However, you know your bird better than I do...if you think she's ill, perhaps she is.  I would watch her closely tomorrow and see what happens and go from there.
