Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > ? african grey looking for dark places

? african grey looking for dark places

21 16:15:03

I have a 4 year old african grey, who recently has become much more curious in finding a dark place to hide out - normally she likes to hang out on her manzanita tree all day... is she reaching maturity by these actions and should i get her a box where she can hang out and perhaps lay eggs, if so, what size and what should i put in it... thanks much... i don't intend to breed, unless you think there is a strong reason to...

Hi, Craig,

Sounds like your female is exhibiting nesting behavior.  DO NOT put up a nesting box unless you want her to lay infertile eggs.  It does no good to allow a single female to lay infertile can be harmful to her health if she lays too much, they can become eggbound (which is life threatening if avian vet assistance isn't provided immediately), etc.  Therefore, unless she has a mate and you want to breed them, do not put up a nesting box.  A nesting box will encourage her to lay eggs.
