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African Grey & feather destruction

21 16:17:49

Pandora is currently 23y/o. She's lived with me for the passed 15 years.  She's ALWAYS chewed her feathers.  I have had a vet evaluate her (several years ago) with a clean bill of health.  She eats 20-30%seeds, 60%pellets and the balance of her diet is table foods.  She will only allow me to touch her.  She will bite (but not draw blood) anyone else.  She's allowed out of her cage.  She mutilates her feathers on her chest, stomach, shoulders.  She talks some but prefers to imitate noises.  My question...DIET...I have searched the net and no where can I find how much protein a parrot needs when it is continuously regrowing its feathers.  And in answer to your anticipated suggestion...I live in a rural area.  The nearest avian vet is over an hour car ride away.  Which is why she hasn't had annual physicals.  I'm certain her feather chewing is behavioral.  She was in perfect feather once when I gave her a perfectly ridged schedule( which isn't really possible).  But I love her the way she is and want to keep her healthy.


Your bird's current health is much more complicated than I can offer advice for in this format. I recommend that you work with a professional parrot behaviorist. You are welcome to contact me privately for references.

As for avian vet care, yearly exams are part of basic care for any pet, no matter how inconvenient. If you can't provide her with the basic care she needs, then you can do little to help her.

I do see improvements that can be made to her diet. Poor nutrition would certainly cause feather plucking. Although only an avian veterinarian can make that specific determination for you bird.

A basic healthy diet for a grey would be to provide daily; pellets and fresh fruits and veggies. Whole nuts should be limited to treats only. And never feed seed unless it's as a treat in a training session.
