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Female Cockatiels Droppings

21 16:15:36

I've seperated my cockatiel pair, and everything is fine except for the female's droppings. They look pretty normal, but they are very large. They are the usual color, sometimes they will be a little lighter than normal. She is on a seed diet.

The droppings are just like they were during breeding, so maybe she is still in "breeding mode"? If you need anymore information Ill be glad to give it.


Hi, Andrew,

An all-seed diet is a poor diet for any parrot.  She is not getting the nutrition she requires.

She may still be hormonal, but unless she has mated with the male and is preparing to lay eggs (females can lay infertile eggs without mating with a male, too), I really don't know what to say.  She must be "waiting" to defecate and then when she does, it's large.  Did you just recently separate the pair?  If so, perhaps she hasn't returned completely to her non-breeding state yet.

Sorry to not be very helpful, but I don't see a problem here.  
