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runny droppings

21 16:26:18

i have a irn that i bought 2 months ago
she was on only seed mix diet
i have started giving her all fruits house food like toast pasta etc but she hates veg as u can see sha hasn't had it before so its taking her a long time to adjust
but from last two weeks i have noticed she has runny droppings
does this sound as a illness round the corner
otherwise she is well i can say
she is active and all

Hi, Pearl.

Runny droppings could be from the bird drinking a lot of water, but most likely because of the fruit if fruit is her main food.  Most fruit contains mostly water, so if she's eating a lot of fruit and drinking water, could be why droppings are runny.  Also, diet change can result in digestive upset, thus, runny droppings.  Runny droppings could also indicate an illness, not coming round the corner, but already existing!  Birds remain as normal as possible when they are ill until they can't hide illness any longer.  Then they go down fast.  You know your bird better than anyone else does...if you think she is ill, get her to a certified avian vet ASAP.  You'll have to judge what's up based on what's going on and the information above.  Could be too much liquid intake.
