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budgie taming

21 16:23:03

Hi! i have had a budgie for a little more than a month. I've done everything I can to tame her, but she doesn't even seem completely comfortable with my hand. Does this mean she can't be tamed? Do you think it would be helpful if I got a tame parakeet to keep her company? What do you think would be best? Thanks!

Dear Melissa,
thank you for your question.
A month is a short time for a budgie to get used to you, she might just take a bit longer than others. Juts keep on working with her. Have you tried offering millet spray on your hand? Most budgies will do anythign for that.
I do recommend getting her a friend because budgies, as all parrots, are very social and need company more or less 4 hours a day. With a second budgie, you don't need to worry about her being lonely when you got o work/school/shopping ect. It's also great fun to watch two budgies play together. It will really help if the other budgie is tame.

Clicker training is a great way to tame budgies, you can find more info on it here:

I hope I was of some help to you