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My parrot

21 16:15:37

i have a 1 year old Eclectus female.
She is starting to talk and whistle and such.
For the most part i am having a problem with squaking.When she is out and squaks i put her away and cover her up. mostly that works but sometimes not so much. my qustion is do you know of another method to keep her quiet when she is in her cage for being a bad girl or will she pick it up as she gets older?

Well you have the right idea. When the bird screams, she's trying to get attention from you. Because you cover her up and move her, you're giving her attention which re-enforces that behavior. When she screams, completely ignore her. Don't look at her, talk to her, and leave the room if you can. After she's been silent for a few minutes, go give her lots of attention and praise her for being a good girl. Birds do squawk sometimes especially at night or in the morning, but that shouldn't last more than 10-15 minutes and that's normal. If she screams during the day, just ignore the screaming. As she learns to talk more, she'll learn to talk to you to get attention.