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Eclectus parrot & young toddler

21 16:42:53

My parents are giving my family their parrot.  I am so excited - I've enjoyed playing with her since I was a teenager; we have safety and health concerns for our todder, though.  Could our son get any viruses or illnesses from the parrot?  We've even heard that the bird droppings are toxic, is this true?  Thank you in advance for your help!


Although I don't know a whole lot about animal transmitted diseases (aka: zoonotic diseases).

The more common diseases birds can carry that can be transmitted to people are: psittacosis, avian tuberculosis and west nile (but you are more likely to get west nile from a mosquito than an indoor parrot).

Diseases that are transferable from birds to people ususally affect humans with compromised immune systems. (compromised immune systems can result from things such as Aids, Chemotherapy, medication for organ transplant rejection, etc...

As far as bird droppings being toxic, I haven't heard this. Obviously, it wouldn't be good for your child to handle bird droppings, because they are waste material. And you would most likely get sick if you didn't wash your hands after getting bird droppings on you (and you or your child accidently put your hand up to your face, in your mouth etc... without disinfecting properly).  I've been pooped on numerous times and I clean bird cages all the time at home and at my job, but have never had any problems.

I hope this helps.

You will probably be able to get better (and more) information from an avian vet and/or your own doctor.
