Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > female IRN

female IRN

21 16:34:49

         I forgot to ask you in my earlier communique about the STEP-UP training of Krish-can I attempt it under the present circumstances?Also I hate clipping her wings.
        Hope to recieve valuable advice and help from you.
                   Thanking You,

Hello Roy.
I hope that your training with Krish is going well.  You did ask about "clicker training", and it is a very good method.
If I did not send you the link for the site that I find informative, the I will send it now.  If I did send the link, I apologize for sending it again.
The methods that are used from this site are proven by my birds, as I have taught my birds some tricks from this site.

Good luck and please let me know how it's going with Krish.

God Bless.