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Baby Bourke

21 16:26:12

i wonder of you can help me ?
I have a pair of Bourkes in my outdoor aviary, and recently she has laid eggs
on the floor of the inside area. The first clutch didn't hatch, but 1 egg did 3
weeks ago.
i have attached a picture !
But the problem is, although she wasa very attentive mother to start with,
today, the last 2 days i noticed she spent less time with the baby, and today,
she hasn't even been into see it, but has preferred to stay out in the outside
I know she should be spending less time with it, but now she has stopped
feeding it.
in your opinion, do you think i should try to handfeed it, and if so, what shall
i try to give it, i really think that it is so used to its mother, perhaps it won't
even take food from me ??
thanks for your time,

If the mother isnt feeding it properly....its crop is empty most of the time remove the baby for handfeeding that baby will feed from you after a few trys

this is my favorite handfeeding site and I hand it out to anyone needing to know Everything about handfeeding as it would take me forever to type it: