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quaker birds(again)

21 16:26:11

hi its me again, is it safe to feed a quaker bird strawberry jelly?? because that is the only fruity thing my bird eats.

Hello again! You know, It is OK to give him a taste once in a while but, I would give my bird something that I know will give him what he needs to stay healthy and have as much nutrition for the calories as possible.If you want to give a sweet treat, why not give him a soft piece of sweet potato and leave it in the cage until his natural curiosity makes him taste it.It is packed with tons of nutrition! Strawberry jelly may taste good but has not got enough vitamins minerals or proteins as other foods.Many fruits may taste good but are mainly sugar.In moderation it is allright once in a while but pellets, veggies and legumes are GREAT for your bird! To your birds Health! Christy