Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > Budiges+cockatiels


21 16:20:27

Hello,just a quick question.
If i have a cockatiel and a budgie in different cages,
with the cages close to each other,would they bond together or pay attention to me so i can get on with taming , training etc.
Thanks alot

Hi! Thanks for your question. First of all, I commend you on keeping the budgie and cockatiel separate, at least for now. It may take some time before they get "used" to each other but in general, it's a good idea to keep species separate.
As far as them "bonding" in separate cages...I don't believe that that will happen to the degree that it will interfere with your taming/training activities. Birds bond by doing things together such as sharing food (regurgitating it into each other's beaks) and preening one another.  They would not be able to do that in separate cages so they would not become "bonded" per se.  They may become used to seeing one another and the others vocalizations etc. which is good in case you do decide to put them together one day.
Until then, good luck with your training and I hope this helps!