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hahns mini macaw...biting

21 16:15:20

I just (today) adopted a hahn's mini macaw.  She is two years old and came from a home where she was a companion pet.  However, as of late I think the amount of time they spent with her dwindled as they added larger parrots (hence them wanting to find another home for her). She would step up for the family members but not for people she didn't know...which now includes me! How should I proceed with her to help her to trust us and reduce stress for her?  I didn't have this issue to this extent with my cockatiel or indian ringneck.

I appreciate your patience and at just two years old, this little macaw has probably more than 50 years to live! With that perspective it's a little easier to see the bigger picture and be even more patient isn't it?  She's just a baby!

 There are many pretty easy steps to take to work this out and due to space here, I've posted this and lots more at my site.

 Take a look:  (click on the bird tab and scroll to 'Owww No biting' )

 It works every time (as you'll see)!