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Loud Cockatiel

21 16:34:32

I have a almost 2 month old cockatiel and we think its a male he makes these loud twerping noises whenever I put him back in his cage and leave the room or enter the house. It os very loud and Im trying to teach him to whistle I whistl eto him ever day since I got him and I always show him a video on the computer of another male cockatiel whistling different notes he goes crazy with those twerps and chirps but dosn't whistle. Do u know how I could tech him to whistle? Is the twerping like some kind of mating call? I take him out and let him play on the table, I make carnivals for him, and try to teach him tricks he is usally out a half hour to a hour a day but mostly we just cuddle and he sits next to me when I go on the computer Is this enogh? What kind of other games can we play.
He also knows his step up very well!


Hi, Emily.  Thanks for posting!

You need to give your tiel some time!  S/he is only 8 weeks old and was probably weaned just recently.  At 8 weeks of age, they don't know much more than how to eat, drink, and move around the cage a little bit.  Also, if this tiel is a female, it will not whistle or talk.  Female tiels mainly just chirp (twerp).  I doubt that you know for sure the sex of this tiel at 8 weeks of age, as it takes at least one molt, sometimes two molts, in order for a tiel to fully color out in order to even be able to guess it's sex.  In other than normal grey tiels, sexing visually might not be possible.  DNA sexing is always available and is 100% accurate.  Let me know if you want more information on DNA sexing.

As long as you can spend as much time as you can with your tiel, s/he should do just fine.  You seem to be spending quality time with your bird and this is exactly what you want to do.  I think the quality of the time you spend with your tiel on a daily basis is more important than the amount of time you spend with s/he.  You can play whatever games you can get your tiel to play with you.  Parrots are just happy to be with their humans even if it's only sitting on your shoulder while you do things.  Because your tiel is only 8 weeks old, s/he has a lot to learn in this world, so don't be worried that s/he isn't too interactive with you yet.  The bird is still trying to figure out what's what in it's life!  In other words, your tiel is still a baby and trying to learn the ways of the world.  

Come back if/when you have additional questions.  You seem to be doing a good job with your baby tiel so far.
