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Proximity of two macaws

21 16:18:06

Hi, I have a 3year old B&G and a 6year old DYHAmazon outside in large, side-by-side cages (we're in Miami and they love it).  Surprisingly, the noise level has never been a problem for us or our neighbors.  Normal vocalization, and loud at times, but as would be expected.  I also have a 6month old scarlet macaw and a 7month old YNAmazon inside.  I'm thinking of switching the scarlet and the DYH - so that both the scarlet and the B&G can be side by side outside - though the cages are still seperated enough that they cant reach each other.  Would this create a screaming problem?  I was told that they would scream if they could hear each other but not see each other.  In my case, they'll be side by side.  What do you think?

Hi, Manny,

There is no way to predict what 2 parrots will do in any situation.  All you can do is try the new setup and see what happens.  Parrots hollar/scream for many different reasons, including what's going around them at the time, what they can see/hear, etc., etc.  It just depends on their individual personalities.
