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is there a problem?

21 16:29:13

QUESTION: hi.About 1 month ago i bought a budgie then got a bigger cage so i bought a new one.Liz my new budgie has recently started sitting on her/his (I'm not sure of the sexes) perch with her head drooped down.she has been like this for several days and only lifts her head if i got very close to the cage.she used to be very chatty and loud so i am not sure why the sudden change.
and also she is completely yellow but has red eyes.does this mean she is an albino?
ANSWER: Hi, Isaac.  Thanks for posting!

How old is your new budgie?  How long have you had the new bird?  How does your first budgie react to the new bird?  I'm assuming you have them both in the same cage? Is Liz eating and drinking OK?  What type of diet are these birds on?  

It's possible Liz could be sick.  Is she showing other signs of illness, such as puffing up her feathers when she isn't sleeping, weight loss, change in appearance of droppings, heavy breathing?

Are you sure the eyes are red?  Sometimes eyes can look red when they really aren't.  A red-eyed bird shouldn't be yellow in coloration.  Albino does usually indicate an albino, however, the yellow feather coloration doesn't fit.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The retailer told me both budgies are from between the end of december last year and the start of january.I had my first bird maybe 2 weeks before getting Liz.My first budgie is generally impartial to Liz and im pretty sure  he neither likes her nor lothes her.Yes they are both in the same cage.They both eat their seed very well though ive never seen them drinking water.They have seed and a cuttlebone and water.I was told to put grit in too so i have .we also have chickweed outside.should i give them some of this?And finally yes the eyes are definitely red .not bright red but difinetly red.

Hi again, Isaac.

Here's some information on budgie color mutations:

I still don't see how your yellow bird can have red eyes.  An albino bird should be all white.

Remove the grit.  Birds that hull seed do not need grit.  Grit can result in crop impactation, which requires surgery to correct.  Perhaps this is what is wrong with your budgie.  

Since these birds are very young and Liz is new, it doesn't surprise me they aren't too friendly with each other yet.  They need more time to adjust.  Yes, chickweed would be good for your birds.  Be sure to wash and rinse it well before serving to your birds.

If Liz doesn't perk up in the next day or so, I recommend you seek avian veterinarian advice.  She may be ill, particularly if she's been eating grit.

I also recommend you put your birds on a more healthy diet.  An all-seed diet is high in fat and low in nutritional value.
