Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > Love Birds

Love Birds

21 16:17:16

I have two male love birds in an aviary, they have been together all their life, Can I introduce two females into the aviary without problems? will the boys be aggressive to the girls ? or each other?.The boys are two years old.
Thanks Brett.

Hi, Brett,

I found your question in the question pool this morning.  I don't know why it was not answered when you submitted it.

It depends on the individual birds involved.  Lovies have to be DNA sexed, so be sure of the sexes of all your birds.  What I recommend is that after at least a 30 day quarantine period for the new birds, you house the new birds next to the other birds in a separate cage and see how they interact/behave when they are next to each other but separate.  If all goes well, allow them to come out of their cage/enclosure together to see how they do (you must supervise this interaction).  If all goes well, then introduce them all together in the aviary.
