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Female cockatiel

21 16:15:08

This cockatiel is a breeder tiel, and she finished her last clutch about 2 months ago. I had trouble getting them to stop,  so now I have her in a cage by herself. Her feather quality is not the greatest, and I want to give her foods that will help her body get back to a healthy state.

I am not sure of her age, shes not very old or anything though. I am feeding her seeds, they are a brand I get at Pet Supplies Plus called Supreme Seeds or something like that. I always try to give by birds vegetables and fruits, and I give her as much exercise as I can. She always has grit and cuttlebone, always fresh food and water.

Like I said, her feathers look very dull, they dont have that plump, smooth look my other birds have. She also seems to have lost weight since before the breeding, but that my be an illusion because of her feathers.

My question is, what are some foods that will especially give her nutrients? And do you know any good brands of vitamin drops? Anything else that will help her body? And if you need anymore information, I will be glad to give it.

Thanks loads.

Hi Andrew,

First and foremost, stop giving her grit!  This can kill them.  It's a myth that parrots (cockatiels/budgies included) need grit. The only birds that require grit are birds that cannot remove seeds from the shells.  Doves, chickens, pigeons etc.  Grit helps grind up the seed shells in the gizzard for those birds, but in parrots, only builds up and causes impactions or blockages.  

Have you taken her to an avian vet for an exam?  It might not be a bad idea. You should rule out any medical reasons for her feather condition first.  

As far as food, I would get her on a good pellet/seed diet in addition to fresh fruits and veggies.  Roudybush, Harrisons or Zupreem Naturals (no fruity pellets) are all good brands.  Volkman's, Higgens, and Goldenfeast are all great seed mixtures.  Be sure to convert her gradually and slowly to a pellet seed mixture, reducing the seed and increasing the pellet slowly over time.  Birds are very visual in eating so it takes them some time to learn the new foods are indeed foods.  Convert the food until she's on about a 50% pellet, 50% seed mixture.  Seed alone might be a contributing factor to her health, as it is high in fat and has little nutritional value.  Veggies are more important than fruits, diced carrots, kale, broccoli and cooked sweet potato are all great veggies to give her.  

Be sure to remove any dark areas (cozy huts) in her cage that she may see as a nest as well as any nesting materials she may shred up.  

Do you ever give her baths?  Bathing is vital for a bird and they usually love bathing.  Be sure to do it early in the day so she doesn't go to bed wet.  And be sure while she's drying, she's not under any vents or drafts.  You can either put a bowl of warm water on top of her cage, or mist her with a plant mister (spray bottle) aiming the water up above her so it falls down on top of her, instead of spraying directly on her.  Bathing encourages preening and will help her feathers.

I usually don't recommend giving any vitamin supplements unless specifically directed by an avian veterinarian.  Vitamin supplements put in water cause bacteria to grow very rapidly and a lot of times the bird can taste the difference and may refuse to drink.  

Be sure she's getting 10 - 12 hours of sleep every night as well.

I hope this information helps and wish you both the best of luck.