Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > CITRON COCKATOO


21 16:21:09

I'm considering to buy a Citron.  There is a female (4 months old) or a male (3 months old) that I am considering.  The female is very pigeon toed and the male is much larger and walks straight forward.  Is there any problems here?  What could you suggest in making a sound purchase?  I know to go to a vet for an exam and that the bird wont go home with me till after the hand feeding.

Thank You for your expertise, JJ

Here's a terrific site to get more info on these lesser Sulpher Crested 'toos

When it comes to your question about the 'pigeon toe', I can say from experience with a Macaw currently in residence, that there's no problem.
 Take a look at Sadie at

She was hatched with two deformed feet, surgically corrected early so she could perch and while her back toes are still 'lazy' and come forward now and then, there are no true problems.
  As long as your 'Too can perch and grasp - it should be ok (if you select the one with the 'pigeon toe')

 Trust your instincts - you'll pick the one that "feels right" to you and the one that picks you as well.