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Measuring parrots

21 16:17:24

Our bird is a LSC (Sweetie), so we were told but the more I learn about this species and the more of them I see, ours seems rather large compared to others I have seen.
I have the measurement charts along with the physical descriptions of all the cockatoos but I am unsure exactly what to include when measuring her, Body only or do I include tail feathers? Also as any pet owner knows there body length can change depending on what she is doing atm lol.
It really makes no difference to us which of the subspecies our Sweetie is, but at the same time I feel a little embarrassed not knowing what type she is.
Thank you so much for any help you can give me!


Well there is a bird called the "Medium Sulfur Crested" Cockatoo, but it isn't really a species in itself. It's the LSCs that just seem too big to be the "lesser" and too small to be the "greater". Different people measure their birds differently. The best way to get a measurement is to measure from the "elbow" of the wings to the legs because no matter what position the bird is in, the measurement doesn't change like it does when you add the neck.

If you really want to know what kind Sweetie is, your vet can usually help you figure it out.