Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > Avocado


21 16:15:51

Friends were over and had stuck some avocado in the cage of my Meyers Parrot before I noticed. The parrot just barely had a taste, before I noticed. Is there any antidote or something I need to do? I have heard they will die from just a taste.

Hi, Gus,

I wouldn't worry about just barely a taste of avocado, as long as your bird is OK.  If it were going to hurt your bird, your bird would have been affected by now.  It doesn't take very long for a bird's body to process any type of food  However, please tell your friends about avocado not being good for parrots.

I do not know that there is an antidote for something like this.  Once eaten, the body processes right away, so any effects would show up within hours.  If/when something like this happens, call a poison control center immediately for instructions.  Yes, you can tell them a parrot is involved!  Otherwise, phone a certified avian vet or emergency vet clinic immediately for advice on what to do.
