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Indain Ringneck Training!

21 16:18:55

Hi Carol,
About a few weeks ago i got a Indain Ringneck Parrotkeet at the flea market who is female and one year old. I heard they can talk, but mine never do. Whenever i put my hand in the cage she trys to get as far as possible. I want her to be ale to come on my hand, and speak at least 5 words. I always go up to her cage repeatingly saying "Hello" but it never works. How can i train her?

From, Hala

Well when you just repeat yourself, the bird learns to tune you out. You need to just be patient. Some birds never learn to talk, though. Just say "hello" when you come into the room, and only say it ONCE. The bird will soon learn that "hello" is a greeting, it'll say it when you walk into the room. Here's a website with an article about training birds to talk:
She's staying away from your hand because you haven't taught her to trust you yet. You need to take things slowly and build up the trust. You have to be patient, though. It wont happen overnight! Here's some good taming instructions: