Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > parakeet swooping

parakeet swooping

21 16:18:56

QUESTION: When I let my parkeet (female) out of the cage to fly, she usually spends most of her time swooping at my head.  It doesn't really bother me, but it is a recent beahvior.  Why is she doing this??? thanks

ANSWER: Hello Dawn,
Your parakeet is doing this just because she's playing with you and she loves you - nothing to worry about :)
Any more questions,go ahead and ask me,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your reply to my question, that makes me feel better that she is doing this out of friendlines.   I do have one more question, recently I found another parakeet (male) in the neighborhood, i brought him home, put him in another cage and a week later I placed them together in her ( my female parakeet 1 yr old ) cage..   From that point (3 mos ago) on she has chased him inside the cage and she seems to run away.  When he plays with any of the toys she chases him and when he eats sometimes she chases him.  She seems to rally like him bacuse she follows him and they nuzzle together and play with each ther's feathers.   They seem to enjoy each other's comap[any at the same time.  what should I do about this chase game that seems unfair to the male new bird.....???  Thanks again, Dawn

Hello Again,
Im glad i can help you Dawn.
The new budgie will be seen as an 'intruder' to your females territory,therfore when he eats out of HER food dish,and when he plays with HER toys,she'll chase him away.
Maybe its a bit sudden for a lone budgie to suddenly see another bird in her cage,especially a male.
Note: Now that your female has a new companion,i hope you realize that she will want to be with the other bird rather than you,birds like other birds more than humans...and thats just how it is.
If you could,you should get a seperate cage and put the male in. Place the cages next to each other and let them get used to each other.
When you see that they have got used to each other,e.g sitting as near as possible intoduce them once again.
I'd leave them next to each other in separate cages for at least a week,just so they can get used to each other properly without fear of invasion on each others territory.
When you introduce them eventually,if there is any signs of aggression,seperate them IMMEDIATLY.
Budgie fights can get very nasty...
Good luck Dawn,i hope i helped.