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behavior problem

21 16:42:12

My lovebird was lost in a friends backyard so I have no information on how it was raised. I have had her about a year and of course she is adorable, but ! I couldn't train her with my bare hands so I used some soft blue gloves to hold her. She was OK with this somewhat but after an extended period out of her cage on a shoulder, she will bite, hard for no apparent reason. Happy then POW!  Lately, in the past week her behavior has gone nutty. She sits on the floor of her cage, kind of under her water dish. She takes her food and sticks it up in her feathers. She has a paperback book that she chews in perfectly even little strips and these are sticking out all over her back as well. She seems to peck at the seed when it is under her feathers. A few days ago I could still pick her up and look under her feathers. I make a cozy little cave with my gloved hands. Then, in the last few days she literally attacks me when I put my hand in her cage. I mean she charges my hand and bites HARD. She sits on the floor of her cage all day. I am very puzzled and would appreciate any insight. Also I have a cockatiel in another cage that is out and very tame. She loves to be on people. Then two budgies, too enmeshed and in love with each other to care about humans.  Thank you, Jeffra Lokteff

Your pet is female and is about to lay eggs.  She will be very defensive until she realises that they aren't fertile - about 25 days after she lays the last egg.

Nothing you can do except makesure she has plenty of quality food and a cuttle bone. If she doesnt chew that, grate if over she seed to ensure enough calcium for the shells.

Do NOT remove the eggs or she will lay more and weaken herself.

You can expect this to happen two or three times a year.

Good luck