Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > Mustached parakeet

Mustached parakeet

21 16:23:47

QUESTION: Hello. I mailed you to ask whether I can keep my Mustached parakeet out in open sunlight daily for sometime ? I mean is it harmful to expose the bird to extreme sunlight ? Please reply.

ANSWER: Allowing birds out in the sun is a good thing if you do three things:
1. Make sure you put an opaque/dark cloth over at least part of the top/side so they have a shady option. Intense sun without relief can be very harmful.
2. Make sure there's plenty of fresh water available in their cage.
3. Consider a misting system (even a hose left on 'mist') nearby so it helps cool the air slightly. Do not leave it on so that the bird is constantly drenched by the water.

Sunlight is an important part of a birds health. It provides vitamin D which helps them process calcium and strengthens their bones. It's also a source of vitamin C - and just a natural option that they really enjoy. (click on 'birds')

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much for your answer, good man. Can I openly expose the bird to mild morning sunlight for it good health ? Or is there any some precautions to be done there as well ? Please reply. Thank you.

Absolutely! Just be sure they have plenty of fresh water available and that you don't over do their exposure.  

Whenever you see a bird breathing with an open mouth - you need to quickly get them into shade and perhaps mist them lightly with cool water (misting their feet helps cool them down a bit faster) - and watch them carefully to be sure they've recovered without ill effects.

I'm just much more comfortable always providing a cloth pinned to part of the cage so they'll have the option for shade.  People often forget that as the day goes on, depending on the seasons, the sunlight coming in can become so intense that it bakes the bird!  Unless you're there every day, all day - and through each season, you may never know.
 I'm so glad you care enough to ask though. These birds are very lucky!