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peachface lovebirds

21 16:15:50

I have 7 peach face lovebirds. They are around 6 or 7 months old. I live in a Indiana and right now is still witer time. My house gets cold so I turn on the heater, but when I am not home I turn it off. Is is possible for the birds to get sick or die if the house gets realy cold? Sometimes the house gets to 30 degress cold?. What is the normal teperature the room haves to be for them?

Hi, Peach,

I live in Ohio, so I know your weather conditions.

Although parrots can get used to cooler temps, 30 degrees is too cold for them if they are kept in warmer temps at other times.  You need to provide a consistent temperature for them.....60-65 minimum to no warmer than about 75-80 degrees maximum.  The temp can fluctuate between these temps, but not higher or lower.  Yes, they can get sick if they are not kept warm enough, as well as if they are kept too hot.
