Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Parrots > regurgitate


21 16:43:17

My amazon blue vomited a small amount of clear liquid,not often though. I've seen this about thrice in a year. Is this normal? Thank you.

Hi Joyce,

Since this vomiting has happened fairly infrequently (and since over a year's time, nothing has happened to your bird), he is probably just regurgitating as a sign of affection, not because there is something (medically) wrong with him.

In the wild, birds feed each other to express affection. So if there is a particular person (or toy) that a bird likes, often they will regurgitate to the object of their affection.

I hope this helps answer your questions. And please keep in mind that if you notice ANY other symptoms of illness (in addition to the vomiting) it is critical that you get your bird to an avian vet ASAP!
