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worms reoccurring

19 11:51:49

my dog gets worms in her stool every 21 days on the dot.  She has been taking everymonth cestex to prevent them and even tried some powder.  She does not have a flee on her, no itching biting anything nor do we.  We have hardwood floors and our yard is sprayed every month.  

Any suggestions as to what else to give her to get rid of them?  Our vet says they are worms from flees but after a year and a half of this happening every 21 days I am frustrated.

I am open ot any suggestions.

Thanks you, Laurie


If this has been going on every single month for a year and a half your veterinarian should have offered you more suggestions and worked with you to find a solution. Depending on the type of worm, he should have given your dog a wormer to rid her of the infection.

My first suggestion to you is to use a topical preventative instead of an oral one.  They are much more effective. Frontline Plus is what I use - it prevents fleas, ticks, and mosquitos. However, I have heard that if your problem is specifically with fleas, Advantage will work better. Over the counter flea and tick preventatives don't really work at all. Also, is your dog on heartworm preventative? Oral heartworm preventatives prevent heartworm disease as well as intestinal parasites. Heartgard prevents heartworm disease as well as hookworms and roundworms, and Interceptor prevents heartworms, hooks, rounds, AND whipworms. It is important to use a heartworm preventative like Interceptor that will kill intestinal worms in conjunction with a flea and tick preventative - topicals like Frontline work great but all it takes is one flea biting once.
