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19 11:48:24

I have a male labrador that I just got nuderred. It's been a week and a half now and I still see and feel a testicle. I called the vet that I took him to and they said it was swollen. The swelling should be gone by now. The stitches haven't been removed ty sure that there is 1 testicle that haven't been yet. Is that how a nuderred dog supposed to be like? Isn't there supposed to be nothing there or just a sack? Please help!!

the time it takes for swelling to subside depends upon the age of the dog, and a few other factors. if you suspect that the operation was not completed take the dog to another vet for a second opinion. or return to the vet and show them what your concern is the testicles both should have been removed. if not the vet should correct the issue without cost to you. there has been cases where a dog only has one testicle, but this is rare. Most Neuters, that I have worked with, do not have stiches. the wound is left to heal naturaly as the surgury is usually non invasive. they use a surgical glue when necesary. unless the dog was a mature adult in which case the procedure would leave a empty sack or if the sack was removed a few stitches to close up the skin. I really suggest you talk to a vet about the issues you have in person, as this may require a refesher of the vets memory.
Thank you for your question.