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Dog poops while asleep

19 11:37:56

I have a two year old miniature schnauzer. Since you are a breeder, I am sure your dogs are all properly crate trained, and sleep in their crates, however my dog sleeps with me. Twice now, in the year and a half that I have owned him, I have awoke to find a small turd in the bed. Does this just "pop out" without him knowing it? or is he waking up and pooping in bed, rather than going down stairs where he can get out to his bathroom spot? It seems like the former, rather than the later, because both times it was just one small turd. Is it "normal" for a dog to release a turd while asleep? or is there something wrong with him?

Yes, most of my dogs sleep in crates at night, but a few also share the beds with all the two-legged people in this house.

I would guess that this is involuntary on your dog's part since it is just one little piece of stool, and it has only happened twice. If he were actually pooping in your bed, there would be much more, and probably more often than twice in 18 months. It was probably more of a case of him passing gas in his sleep and producing a bit extra.
