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Neonas growth

19 10:52:01

Hi my name is Valeska.I have a rotwieler.She is going to be 10 yrs old in Sept."08". About a month ago I noticed a lump located at the  center bottom of her left rib cage.Since then it has grown about 3 to 4 times in size.She has been on Beneful weight management dog food for about 2 months, and has lost appox. 15 lbs. (The Vet recommended she lose 20 lbs.)She looks well,and is happy,and ready to play whenever I am.Do you have any ideas about what this growth could be?

Hi Valeska,

There is no way to simply guess at what kind of growth your dog has. Your dog deserves more than guesswork, anyway.

The only way to to diagnose the kind of growth your dog has is to have it examined by your veterinarian. Please don't put this off any longer, since the growth is getting larger, and that can complicate treatment.

Best of luck,