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sebaceous cyst

19 10:06:14

Hi Patti

I have a 13 year old cocker spaniel.  The vet has told me she has a sebaceous cyst and says to leave it alone.  This is quite large and just above her tail.   However part of the bottom side of the cyst has lifted up and is leaking blood. I am bathing this in a saline solution and putting a pad on it.  Should I be concerned about infection and get antibiotics from my vet.  The side hadn't lifted up when he last looked at it.

Thanks in advance for your advice.

Hi Geraldine,

Usually these cysts do not demand remove. The common suggested home care it to monitor the cyst for changes in size or evidence of irritation. If the cyst has grown to such a size that it's a problem, and because it's also leaking fluid, it sounds to me (a layperson) that it should be removed.

Your vet's reluctance to remove the growth might be because of your dog's age.  All surgeries are risky, and she may not do well with anesthesia at her age. However, if your dog isn't having other health concerns, it is possible for her to safely undergo surgery. Pre-surgery blood work could be done to evalute your dog's organ functions. Although these tests add to the cost, they enable your veterinarian to understand fully the health status of your dog before anesthetizing her. There are also choices for anesthesia, some are easier than others for older dogs to tolerate.

It may be possible to have the cyst removed under a local anesthesia. Talk this possibility over with your vet. If the cyst is too large, your dog would need a more extensive incision, making a general anesthesia would be necessary.

You might want to consider have another vet examine your dog, if your current vet doesn't think removal of the cyst is a good idea. A second opinion might make you more at ease with the choices you have.

In the mean time, keep the area clean with an antiseptic rinse such as Betadine, because the skin has been broken. After the rinse, you can apply a non-stinging antiseptic ointment, such as Neosporin or Bactitracin.

Best of luck,
