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bruise on hind leg

19 10:25:03

i noticed yesterday one of my yorkies has what looks like a black and blue on his back left leg(knee area). It doesn't hurt him at all.He is walking and jumping normally and I touched it and it didn't bother him at all.Can it be a black & blue or a birth mark I never noticed(his 2yrs old). He had his nails cut Saturday by the groomer, Can it be when he was just holding his leg to cut his nails
the groomer held to tight.Is there anything I can do or just leave it alone being that it doesn't bother him at all.

Hi Barbara-

Its possible that he was bruised by the groomer, or maybe dinged it while he was playing. I would keep an eye on it. If it doesn't swell or become hot, and so long as he is not indicating pain when you handle it, he should be fine. Maybe restrict his play a bit until it goes away. Bruises only last about 3-5 days before they really start fading, so if it hasn't faded at all in a few days, a trip to the vet might be a good idea to make sure it is indeed a bruise.

Good luck!