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dog food for yorkie (one year, 15lbs)

18 17:20:25

Is there a kibble that is recommended that I can get easily at our supermarket.  Our dog has no interest in any kibble that we've tried unless i put peanut butter in it.

I've tried nature's balance (which many stores didn't sell)
and he didn't like it anyway.

Can you recommend a kibble that is popular among smallish dogs?

thanks Beth

Hi Beth, How about Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul - it is a brand you can find at some pet stores and FEED and SEED stores -  I have seen it in some Supermakets, too.
Add a 1/4 teaspoon of peanut butter on top of the dog food --- IF that is the only way your dog will eat it.  - ADD a little water to the peanut butter to mix in with the dry food.

Boy - picky little one!

You can also try some of the WET canned foods - Just don't like too many of the supermarket brands.  The pet stores sell Solid Gold - great brand.

HOPE this helps...

Marie Peppers LPN MA