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9 yr old male jack acting ``off``

20 9:21:36

i have 3 jacks, all fixed. My eldest jack Daulton, has always slept in the main bedroom with us, but all of a sudden he is sleeping in my daughters room, who is moving out shortly. This is odd, but then i come home after a day at work, and my  cat who has been with daulton since he was a pup, had no hair left on his one side. Our dogs always get along with the cats. And i know it was Daulton as he puked up black hair balls. Now the cat was a bit under the weather, as he had an upset tummy that morning. My cat had no blood or scratched or anything, just literally half of his body has no hair...other than that hes himself....any thoughts?

Hi Melanie,

I have no doubt Daulton knows your daughter is moving out... they are incredible at sensing these things...!!  
As far as the cat goes.... Daulton probably LICKED the fur off the cat as there are no injuries or any harm to the cat.  They call this type of behavior "displacement activity" and it is a way that dogs find to soothe their stress!!  Daulton is a major part of your family and absolutely knows something is about to change.  Spend some extra time and attention with him, reassure him that YOU are there and that he is safe and very loved.  I think I would separate the cat for the time being until things settle down.  

Amazing creatures!!  

Good luck!!