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Jack Russell w/ Equiliberum problem

20 9:27:25


Suzy Q
I have a 10 year old JR who has not been able to walk straight since she was born.  I took her to NC State Vet. College when she was 6 mo. old.  They basically told me there was not anything they could do and she would probably not live until 2 years of age!  I have handled her w/ care for her whole life.  Just wondering if anyone has any experience w/ dog wheel chairs or if there are any up to date cures available.  


Hi Brandy,

I just looked at the picture of Suzy Q - she's so cute and sweet!  What an amazing person you must be to have cared for her so gently and lovingly all these years.
You didn't specify exactly what her diagnosis was when she was 6 months old so I can't really answer your question about cures available. I assume your veterinarian would have mentioned something if there was a cure available for her over these past ten years, at least I would hope so.  
At her age, a wheelchair would be a great idea! I have seen many great successes with them, some dogs even go swimming with them on!
I am in Massachusetts and have heard many success stories about a man and his company called Eddie's Wheels; they actually did a segment about him on the Today show. He can custom build and design almost any type of wheelchair that Suzy Q would need. Here is the link to their website, and you can call and speak directly to them about Suzy-Q - they have clients around the world, they are caring professionals and will help you a great deal.

Good luck to you and Suzy Q, may you both continue to love and enjoy eachother.