Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Jack Russells > inbreeding


20 9:29:13

Thank you very much for your response to my question about breeding brother and sister.  So far, so good with they're not 'getting together'.  We have been keeping them apart as much as possible.  One more question, can she be spayed while in this first heat or should we wait till it's over?
Thanks again

Hi Barb,
Most veterinarians will spay during a heat season, but it is a little bit more complicated and they might charge you extra for it (they shouldn't, but they do). Call your veterinarian and ask. Remember, she could be in heat for up to 28 days, you have to be diligent on keeping them apart if thats what you choose to do. Having the male neutered will be less expensive and work just as well for now, it's a very simple procedure for the male - but you should spay your female too, at whatever time period works best for you.
Very best of luck to all of you.