Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Jack Russells > Heat


20 9:28:12

I have an almost 8 moth old Jack and was just wondering around what age do they usually go into heat and what signs should I be looking for?

There really is no "usual" as each dog is different, but you can start looking after one year. Usually between 12 and 18 months.  Why don't you have her spayed BEFORE she comes into heat? Much easier and better for them that way. NEVER breed on the first heat cycle - she is still a BABY herself and it's not good for immature reproductive system at all. Breeding should take place at the 2nd heat cycle. One they start cycling it usually comes between every 6 and 8 months but some dogs only go into heat once a year... it's different for every dog. Signs are she will start licking her vulva/vagina a lot more often, you will see the vulva getting bigger and swelling, and then you will see blood just like when humans get their period. They aren't ready to breed for 10 days after the blood appears but again I will say, it's not a good idea to breed on the first heat cycle.
Hope I helped.