Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Jack Russells > Aggression


20 9:29:15

Hi, we have 4 Jack Russell's, 2 short hair females, and 1 long haired male, and 1 long haired female, whom we were told was pure bred, but with her hair, I am sure that she is mixed with another breed. One of the female Jack's sleeps with me, and the male long hair and the other short haired female sleeps with my parents. They all seem to get along except for my dog, she doesn't really like the new long haired female. The oldest we have is eleven and the youngest is just over a year old. The youngest one has attacked the oldest female twice now, and for some reason, the male seems to follow her lead, and this last attack was very serious, and we had to rush the 11 year old to the hospital to have emergency surgery, and she almost passed away, this is the second attack, and I am not sure what to do with the baby... We are now considering, putting muzzles on the male and the baby when they are out in the yard with the other two older females. I have tried to dominate her, and have spent countless hours out in the yard letting her know that I am the boss, but I can't let her do this to the other dogs in the house, and I am not sure why the male is suddenly following the youngest girl, and doing what she does. The other two girls are older and can't handle what she is going through again... this last time was very serious and scary! Can you please help me! Is there any way to stop the fights, I know that we watch for the signs, and when we see the signs, one or two get a time out, or we get the water bottle, and that seems to work, I have tried the holding one of them above your head, holding them to the ground to show them that I am boss, but when I go to do it the next time, they run away... I am scared that this will happen again, and I just need help! Please! Someone suggested that we get rid of one or more, but they are family, and we wouldn't get rid of a child or an adult... Please help me! Sorry, and the youngest female sleeps in a crate...

Hi Jennifer,
I'm so sorry you're having so much trouble! Four jacks is certainly a crazy life (I know!)and there are so many different personalities involved, there was bound to be trouble.  I feel bad for your older Jack, she hasn't done anything and deserves a break from the little one and the male who seems to follow him. - I would DEFINITELY muzzle them when they are out together.
It's good that you have established dominance in the household, you NEED to be the pack leader. There is a natural pecking order in a pack and they will all find their comfortable place - but that doesn't mean they should be attacking eachother.
The best advice I could give you in this very limited space is to go online to THE DOG WHISPERER website, or look up Cesar Milan, The Dog Psychology Center. Cesar has a TV show that airs Friday nights here on the East Coast, I'm not sure where you are writing from but the show is syndicated and shows throughout the U.S.  You can buy DVD's of his online that will help you IMMENSELY with the dog aggression. There is a whole technic that he uses that is pretty much guaranteed. He has rehabilitated the most aggressive dogs. I could try to write and explain the technique to you but it would be too long and detailed to fit into this space. Don't give up hope, there is a way to help and I know Cesars technique works!! For right now though, make sure you keep muzzles on the aggressive dogs. Keep the aggressive dogs crated when you are not there. It's not fair to the other dogs to have to be subject to such terrible abuse. Make sure you are CONSTANTLY with them, don't ever leave them all alone together, and try very hard to STOP any aggression you see IMMEDIATELY before it escalates. I mean stop it the second you see a "look" or a snarl. You can't let it get any further. You stop it by going directly over to the aggressive dog and giving him a firm "fake bite" on his neck with your hand (as if you were his mother dog) - and make a loud sound to break his concentration on aggression.  
Very best of luck to you, don't give up, there is a way to control this!!
When you go on the Cesar Milan website, look for and order a DVD on "red zone" dogs. You can do this!
Take care, good luck.