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JRT itching belly and biting back legs

20 9:30:11

My JRT is 19 mos old and has a habit of scrathing and biting at her belly and back legs. She will sometimes make herself bright red. We went to the doctor for allergy pills, but don't want to use them to the point of her becoming immune. We were wondering if there are any natural cures, or is this just the breed? We love her so very much and she is a fabulous dog- has been through training classes and really excels each time, so we would like to help her enjoy her time with us as much as we enjoy our time with her.
Thanks in advance for any help,

Hi Victoria,
You sound like you really love your dog.... she's lucky.
I wish I had an easy answer for you about the scratching...
Unfortunately, allergies are the hardest things to diagnose and treat.  

You've been to the vet but did they actually test her?
Jack Russells DO have a higher tendency than some (but not all)breeds to have allergies. Usually it is wheat, but it could be so many other things too. If you have the time and money, it might be a wise investment to pinpoint the cause.

Topical home remedies are hard for dogs because once you apply them, they want to lick them off -
Calamine lotion works nice for an itchy belly and Vaseline (petroleum jelly) works for raw skin - There is also a spray called Dermacool that uses witch hazel and is very soothing, unfortunately they are all only temporary fixes. A spray cortisone makes itch go away, but it's a steroid and should only be used occasionally when it's bad.  It seems like she is scratching in a localized area, so maybe it's something that just her belly and hind legs are in contact with? (contact dermatitis).
There are so many variables that I don't know if I helped you very much. I would get her tested and find the cause and then go from there. Sometimes, it's just the way it is.

Here is an interesting page of a website you might enjoy reading.
click on the big red [DOG FaQ's] that is in the title
click on Canine Allergies

lots of good information here.

I'm glad you love your Jack! She's lucky to have you.
My best,