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Hives on lefts side of body and back

20 9:27:19


Stella Begging for hel
Hi there.  Stella has started scraching on her face and body.  I have had a look and all I can see is little bumps on her left side and back, nothing on her face.  I have been brushing her out and this seems to releive the itch.  But where the bumps are, the hair looks like it is slightly raised.  I have also bathed in a medical shampoo (leave in for 10 mins, then rinse) this has not seemed to help.  Nothing has changed in her diet or enviroment.  Please help me to help Stella.

Hi Carmen,
OMG, Stella is SO ADORABLE!!! The picture you sent is precious!
Poor baby!! I'm sorry she's been itchy and I hate to say this but it's very possible she could have dreaded allergies. You said that nothing has changed in her diet or environment; which is a good start to try to figure out what's going on. Have you changed your laundry detergent or turned the heat up or anything? Sometimes the slightest of change can do this.  I'm sure you have checked, but maybe somehow she was in contact with another dog that gave her fleas? It's best to rule that out too. Have you checked under her arms and legs in the grooves where there is little or no hair? What do her paws look like?
If they are red and itchy too, it just may be that she has allergies. Unfortunately Jack Russells commonly have allergies and it will become a way of life for both of you. They range from very mild to very severe and the hardest part is trying to figure out just what is causing the allergy. Most of the time it is the wheat in food, but it can be almost anything. You may want to take her to the vet for a confirmed diagnosis of this, and after that it's a matter of modifying her food and treats and/or watching out for mold, moss or other environmental triggers. You have to eliminate one thing at a time and see if she gets better; it's time consuming and frustrating but works. Allergy testing is fast and can tell you right away what she is allergic too, but it is very costly, but you may want to go that route instead for faster results.
I feel so sad and hope she doesn't have allergies, but if she does, it can be manageable and treatable, but you have to be diligent.
She's absolutely adorable and I wish the both of you the best of luck!! Write anytime, take care. Carol