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Jack Russell Terriers skin&eye problems

20 9:21:46

Hello, I've got two JRT's and everytime they go out to use the restroom, they'll come back inside scratching themselves like crazy. We have had flea problems, but their numbers have decreased lately. The way they have been itching lately is much more persistent and it seems to bother them a lot worse. Their skin, however, is bright pink and even red in some spots. I haven't been able to find anything about this...please help! The youngest broke a nail the other day all the way down to her skin that isn't supposed to be exposed, her skin isn't torn or anything but I'm still worried. Also, my 6 month old Jack is getting that blue-ish green tint to her eyes, as if she were going it possible in a dog that young?  Thanks so much!!

Hi Caitlyn,

Without seeing it's hard to tell but it sounds like both of them are having an allergic reaction to the grass, flowers, pollen, trees, - it could be any one of those things or it could be all of them. Unfortunately allergies in Jack Russells is all too common. They should take a trip to the vet for a diagnosis and some medicines to help them feel better and to help heal the skin. Benedryl and cortisone can be used under the direction of a vet.
Fleas are a nuisance but can be dangerous too - but I think you would see them on the dogs if it was a problem. Make sure to apply Frontline or K9Advantix once a month to keep the little buggers away!!  

Have the eyes check out while you're there - the doctor will have to look inside the eye to see what's going on.

Best of luck to all of you!