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Problem with heeling

20 9:23:52

Hi Carol,
I am so glad I found your forum.  I recently rescued a 2 year old JRT.  When we walk, Jack does OK with heel but when he sees someone, he lunges forward.  I can't stop him. He loves people more than anything.

He is very smart and has picked up other things quite easily.  Any advice to help make our walking time a little more enjoyable?  I want to be the very best Mom I can be to him.

Also, do you think I need a trainer to help with this?  If you do, I live in NJ.  Do you have a recommendation?

Thanks so much.

Another Carol  

Hi Carol,

I like to use Victoria Stilwell's Positive training method; you can check out her website for lots of good training information too.
Take some cheese or other favorite snack of Jacks with you when walking. When another person or dog approaches, make him sit and completely distract him by letting him smell/see the treat; make him SIT, hold the treat up to your eyes, and tell him "look at me", "Jack, look at me" - when he looks at you, give him the treat, making it last until the distraction (person or dog) has gone by.
What you're trying to do is refocus his attention to YOU instead of obsessing on the walker-by. As with any training, you have to repeat repeat repeat - until he will eventually do it without needing the treat!!! It works!!!
If you do hire a trainer, make sure they use POSITIVE reinforcement and not scare tactics.
Best of luck to you and Jack!