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puppy nipping and biting correction

20 9:27:29

I was told several years ago, that a good correction for a puppy is to growl at them as their mother would when they are doing something wrong, such as play biting.  What are your feelings on this type of correction and it's effectiveness?  I have to say that I have had puppies and dogs my entire life and the Jack puppies seem more intent on biting then other breeds I have owned, and harder to convince it is not a fun game!  Your thoughts?

Hello Davina,

I say use whatever works! Actually what I've heard is that you pretend you are a sibling, and wimper or cry outloud in pain as if you were the puppy's sister or brother...and then walk away like they would... I've tried it and it actually does work. The puppy stops biting and looks right at you, knowing she/he was too rough. All puppies bite like crazy those first few months when teething, it feels good on their little aching gums!  When you are correcting your puppy not to bite, it's always best to replace whatever he/she is biting on with something that is OK to bite on. ICE is a great favorite, feels wonderful and keeps them busy for a long time!
Best of luck with the pup!