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my Jack Russell!

20 9:30:08

I own a Jack Russell and he is very possessive of me when my husband comes anywhere near me he jumps and growls and jumps in between us. I don't know what to do. Please help. I love both my boys to death but my husband is very annoyed!  

Hi Rebecca,
This is a tough problem and really requires YOU to be very much in charge. Your dog thinks he is the "boss" and owns you. I bet you and your husband get all worked up and nervous and angry when your dog acts this way. You are feeding into it and he knows it.  
The trick is to absolutely positively STOP him BEFORE he starts this behavior. You can't even let him get a tiny growl in. Dog's don't "reason" with words and it's going to take you being very consistent with how you handle this. You can use the word or sound of your choice but it has to come from a place of "authority" (like you mean it!) The split second you see any of that aggression coming out of your dog you immediately stop it. Step in front of him and give a strong point of the finger with a strong PSSST sound, and even a little touch(pinch)on his back all at the same time and this will send an immediate signal FROM YOU, TO HIM that whatever thought he had in his mind of becoming aggressive of you and your husbands relationship is not going to be tolerated.  I know this sounds crazy but it works... think of it this way> imagine that you are all don't use words...if you were the leader of the pack, you would hiss and nip at your subordinate for bad "behavior" and correct it right away.
Your sound and pinch is mimicking that of a pack leader dog putting a subordinate in his place. In the pack he'd try again, and you would stop it the same way because you know no words... Does this make sense?  You have to re-establish your power over your dog. He knows he can get away with it because he sees himself as the leader of you.  Make sure you NEVER waiver and stay consistent. Use the same correction over and over every time he tries to get aggressive and possessive. Eventually (I promise it will be sooner than later) he will know better than to get between you and your husband. Re-establish your role as the LEADER.
Remember when he is being passive, relaxing or just hanging out with the both of you he gets lots of praise!  
You can do it! Good luck! Feel free to write again.